I usually have limited this blog's scope to Pakistani cricket, not because I don't enjoy other cricket, but because I'm afraid that if I start writing about more stuff, it will take over my life and then my parents will disown me, my wife will leave me and my kids will refuse to recognize me!
Yet, I just could not pass this up. It really does appear that in 2007, no one in authority has to resign anymore no matter what they do! After Australia deservedly won a World Cup where they truly and totally dominated, the umpires lead by the match referee, Jeff Crowe totally screwed up everything with the ending of the match turning it into an absolute farce. Most of us rational folk would have to see it to believe it, and even then it looked like something out of one of Dante's hells not reality. Yet, at the end of the day, Jeff Crowe has the gall to say that this is not something to resign over! For crying out loud! Nasim Ashraf doesn't have to resign, Tony Blair doesn't have to resign, Musharraf doesn't have to resign, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Anthony Gonzales don't have to resign, no one had to resign over the Oval fiasco and no one resigns anytime, anywhere! In cricket, the game and the players suffer all and in life, the people and their lives suffer all. It truly does look like all accountability has left our world, like Aslan left C.S. Lewis' world. How absolutely preposterous.
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