In Urdu they say "Shehmurgh kai pair bhaday kai bhaday" (The peacock's feet will always be ugly), and how well does our wonderful Nasim Ashraf typify this. Put him in a suit, let him fly first class to have pictures taken with the players, he's game. Have him preen in front of the National Assembly or Senate, he's game. Give press conferences, where all he accepts is applause? Sure he'll do it. But actually carry through with a promise or a statement? God forbid somehow that happens! Sach hai, Khuda woh din na dikhaye jub Nasim Ashraf kuch kar dikhaye.
Pensions for ex-players? He'll take the applause for making the announcement. But actually implement it? Too much work and responsibility. Take the plaudits for handing out cheques to 5 players? Sure he'll take them. But too actually do the work to make sure those cheques can be honoured? No way. Isn't giving someone cheques which cannot be cashed, actually cheque fraud? Isn't that a crime? I think I will have to ask my brother the banker that.
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