Thursday, March 08, 2007

Is Woolmer going native?

Well, if this story is to be believed, it appears that Woolmer might be pulling a Pakistani style move here. What is the first thing any Pakistani bigwig does, when getting into power? Help out the chacha, mamoon and the third cousin. Well, here it appears that Woolmer was unhappy about the quality of the previously made kits, and so asked Slazenger to make the kits from South Africa, and the bulk of it made from Marks & Spencer in London. What makes this a Pakistani bigwig thing to do, if this report is to be believed, Chacha Woolmer took the designs of a local Pakistani manufacturer and passed them on to Slazenger to have the exactly same kit made. Not sure if this is true or not, as its only been reported through PTI in India, but if it is, then Woolmer has surely gone native on us!

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